How much did your sales territories shink?

Territory shrinkage calculator cover (1)-1

It's Q3. Do you know where your reps' accounts are?

Static sales territories shrink over time. An SDR's territory can shrink by 70% over the year* just because they did their job well.

In fact, shrinkage starts the day you hand a territory to a rep. It gets worse when reps succeed. And territories don't always shrink the way you expect them to.

We built a spreadsheet to model territory shrink based on initial territory size, accounts worked, quota, disqualification rate, and account rest period. Get it here, free. 

How do you improve the health of your reps' books?

Once you've done your health check, take a look at the workable accounts and come up with a game plan for your reps. 

  • Check your intent data (if you have it). Target folks that are in-market right now to combat the last bit of summer slowness.
  • Stack rank the rest of the accounts based on fit and help your reps prioritize their outreach from there.
  • If your territory design allows for it, consider distributing some more high-fit, high-timing accounts to your reps

Watch this quick video for more tips to keep your SDR territories healthy.


Thinking about moving from static territories to a more dynamic model?

Gradient Works software provides dynamic book management so every rep has a fair allocation of accounts and a real opportunity to succeed. For inbound and outbound and every combination.