dynamic books

engine for B2B sales and RevOps

Prioritize the right accounts and improve your outbound with Gradient Works - dynamic books software for B2B sales teams. It's like territories but so much better.

Everything you need to be sure reps are taking the right actions on the right accounts at the right time

Select accounts

Identify high potential prospect segments and customer lookalikes.

market map explorer

Assign accounts

Dynamically distribute priority accounts to reps with available capacity.


Optimize coverage

Hold reps accountable for working the right accounts the right way.

Account Coverage

Why sales teams turn to Gradient Works

  • Ineffective outbound

    Spray and pray doesn't work. Highly targeted, hyper-relevant outreach is the only way to improve outbound effectiveness. With Gradient Works, you can be sure that every single sales rep is ruthlessly focused on the highest-potential accounts and equipped with relevant context.

  • Inefficient pipeline

    Inbound is unreliable and intent isn't enough. Generate more consistent pipeline by improving how your team prospects. Gradient Works systematically uncovers the prospects that are most like your best customers and helps you run targeted outbound plays to those accounts. 

  • Prioritization problems

    High potential accounts go unassigned or unworked. Reps struggle to identify the highest priority accounts. Gradient Works equips sales teams with everything they need to be sure the best accounts are always in the hands of reps. 

Trusted by great B2B sales teams

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“Now we have more even distribution of pipeline across the team and more even quota attainment, and it's been really well received by the sellers. Dynamic books has been really helpful to do away with a lot of rules of engagement distractions and disputes."


"The team is focused on the right accounts and ensuring we're not wasting quota capacity. I'm excited to have actual reliable data I can use to do capacity planning in the future. We'll have a much more accurate view of supply and demand, which will make scaling 1000% simpler."


"With dynamic books and Gradient Works, we can quickly react to what's going on in the market and refocus our energy on industries where deals are still moving well. We can adapt to market conditions or discover a new TAM we didn't know we previously were selling into."


What is dynamic books?

The sales team of the future is account based, dynamic, and ruthlessly focused on their ICP. We call that dynamic books, and with it, you can:

  • Easily identify the highest-potential accounts in your market

  • Dynamically distribute prioritized accounts to reps with available capacity

  • Uncover hidden potential in your CRM to unlock new pipeline

Learn more

Learn how Gradient Works can transform your sales efficiency.